Cycling Through Big Ideas
A good brand gets noticed. A great brand gets results. Dive into insights on website design, content, and strategy to help your business grow.

The Superpower of Imagination: Your Business Can’t Survive on AI Alone
February 6, 2025
It feels like a B-movie from Hollywood. People panicked, running through the streets. Pitchforks. Torches. The robots are coming! Right? Well, maybe and maybe not. AI can present a pretty terrifying scene, especially if you only believe what you read in the press. So let’s talk about it—address the fears, clear the confusion, and focus on what it really means for you and your business.

The Most Overlooked Website Mistake? Talking About Yourself
February 1, 2025
Your website isn’t about you. Even though it is.
It’s your business, your website, and your brand. But if your website is only talking about you, you’re losing customers before they even have a chance to care. The harsh truth? Visitors don’t come to your website to hear your company’s life story—they come because they need something. If your messaging doesn’t speak directly to that need, they’ll leave. Fast.

Boutique Creative Studio vs. Marketing Agency: Which One is Right for You?
January 22, 2025
Is your business in the awkward teenager phase? Are you growing up quickly, but finding that some parts of the company are outpacing others, creating a bit of unsteadiness? Don’t worry, that’s incredibly common, and you’ll grow out of it with time… and a little help. When frustrated companies contact me, in many cases it’s because they realized they need a creative department but either don’t have full-time hours for that person, or simply can’t fit another FTE into the payroll. Does that sound like it could be you?

How to Reboot Your Career, One Terrifying Step at a Time
January 5, 2025
In 2018, at the age of 38, I walked away from a corporate career as a senior software developer. I had never taken an art class, never studied design formally, and never had a portfolio to show. But I knew one thing—I wanted to reboot my career and build a life as a graphic designer. The problem? No one hires a designer without experience, and I had none.
As I’m writing this, my spell-check tells me that “unhireable” is not a word. I’d like to respectfully disagree.